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World-class AI for education

Say hello to Khanmigo, Khan Academy’s AI-powered guide. Tutor for learners. Assistant for teachers.

Khanmigo, your AI guide
Get a glimpse of the future of learning.
Click this video to hear Sal introduce Khanmigo and discuss the future of AI in educationBlue button icon
Tutoring for all
By leveraging AI, we can bring the benefits of one-on-one tutoring—deep understanding, confidence, clarity, and empowerment—to all students.
Khanmigo tutor helps students but doesn't give answers.
Empowering educators
Take your teaching to the next level with AI-guided lesson planning and insightful student feedback. Khanmigo frees up our educators’ most limited resource—time.
Khanmigo helps teachers create lesson plans.
Unlocking creativity
Khanmigo mimics a writing coach by giving prompts and suggestions to move students forward as they write, debate, and collaborate in exciting new ways.
Khanmigo helps a student through the creative writing process.
Reimagining computer science
Learning to code has never been more accessible. Khanmigo’s interactive experiences and real-time feedback will help learners hone their computer science skills.
Khanmigo helps a student learn computer science.
Sign up for Khanmigo, your always-available tutor
Who is Khan Academy?
Khan Academy is a nonprofit that wants to make education free and accessible for all. By joining Khan Labs, you can help us develop new features that will empower hundreds of millions of learners around the world! You'll test and provide feedback on new learning tools to help shape the future of learning.
Frequently asked questions
Join us in shaping the future of learning.